Fact Sheets
Frequently Asked Questions about Community Water Fluoridation
Common Questions about Fluoride: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers
This resources explains the importance and safety of fluoride in a question and answer format. A companion to Fluoride Safety: A Guide for Health Professionals, this handout lets your patients leave the office with accurate fluoride information in hand.
Fluoride Safety: A Guide for Health Professionals
A concise explanation of the regulation and safety of fluoride additives and fluoridated water. Common concerns, including daily intake and infant formula, are addressed. Links to valuable resources are provided.
Bottled Water and Fluoride
Some bottled waters contain fluoride, and some do not. This fact sheet covers common questions about bottled water and fluoride.
Well Water and Fluoride FAQs
Answers common questions on fluoride in private well water.
Dental Fluorosis
The proper amount of fluoride helps prevent and control dental caries (tooth decay). Fluoride consumed during tooth development can also produce a range of changes in the enamel surface of the tooth. These changes are broadly termed dental fluorosis. The most common forms of dental fluorosis appear as barely noticeable, white lacy markings on the tooth surface. Fluorosis is a condition that occurs only when teeth are forming, up to about age 8.
Overview: Infant Formula and Fluorosis
Answers common questions about infant formula and fluoride within the context of preventing tooth decay
Fluorosis Facts: A Resource for Parents and Caregivers
Explains sources of fluoride, dental fluorosis, and gives parents stepwise guidance on preventive oral health care.
Fluorosis Facts: A Guide for Health Professionals
Gives health professionals a quick, thorough understanding of dental fluorosis and includes photos, follow-up resources, and suggestions for counseling on prevention.
Page reviewed on 12/14.
Some of this information was obtained from:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – http://www.cdc.gov/fluoridation/factsheets/index.htm
Campaign for Dental Health – http://www.ilikemyteeth.org/